Friday, August 13, 2010

Boston dark sider

        I've been writing about Boston city in a good way and today I'll let you know god damn things in Boston.Of course not only Boston, everywhere in the world has dark side.
        You know when someone 's trying to do a good thing but he or she got something bad back. That means world has lost a good person. And now Zatan has more friend and the world should be aware. There are many places in Boston that consists of bad guys like in Downtown, China town, some place in Red line, Watertown and especially everywhere that light can't reach to.
       Don't walk alone at night in downtown. Don't find food too late at China town. Don't stay at subway too long. Don't insult homeless. Don't underestimate people. Don't talk with stranger.Don't play with illegally immigrant workers. Don't except solicitation on street. Don't look in color people's eyes.
        The best way to deal with Dark siders is to consider your proper behavior, must be honest, sincere and friendly.Once you look down upon them, be careful of your ass hole. Be nice, that what you can do to them and me.

Boston Dark Sider
English tip today are :
         Be tough, Be strong, Be nice, Be yourself, Be careful, Be calm, Be patient, Be cool, Be a man.

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