Monday, August 16, 2010

MIT : Massachusetts Institute of Technology

       MIT or Massachusetts Institute of Technology is private research and technology university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded by William Barton Rogers in 1861 in order to respond the dramatically increasing of industrial demand of the United States with strong emphasis on scientific and technological research.You can reach this destination by taking T subway and get off at Kendall/MIT.There are many  architecturally fansinating buildings in campus which was the first in the United States named MIT's School of Architecture and it also has a history of commisioning progressive buildings.Let's see some interesting building below, you will be impressed by MIT's work.

MIT design

The Stata Center
       The picture above shows stainless steel jet architectural buliding design which is a place of Department of Linguistics and Philosophy.The abstract City Beautiful movement influenced Bosworth's architecture which features the Pantheon-esque Great Dome,