Sunday, August 15, 2010

Boston American cuisine and dinner cooking

       Today I would like to write about food in Boston and dinner that I cooked by myself with my girlfriend by gathering fresh ingredients from Hay market and specific place in Boston like 88 market , China town, organic vegetable from traditional market and from super market.I already brought  you guys to many places in Boston and I only reccomended a really good place for food and street performance like Quincy market.

Organic vegi from farmer.
This time you will get appetite with my suggestions and example photos, it's yummy yummy! I don't know that you like to cook or not but in Boston city, you can find really good source for organic food, fresh meat and vegetable not only in famous restaurant but also in super market and occasional market that there are  farmers which farm outside Boston city bring a good food for you.Other ways to get fresh vegetable is going to China town, you will be amazed by many kinds of materials and dinner ingredients.

Lovely fresh cabbage
      Dont' forget to buy some meat to make some delicious spicy meat plate besides vegetable soup.If you like to know how to cook yummy deep fried pork, email me, I will tell you a secret recipe.