Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Charles river and Boston river side

        Today I will bring you to Charles river which separates Boston city from Cambridge side.This place is really beautiful and romantic. I used to walk beside Charles river shore with my girlfriend after class to relax and spend time with sunset in the evening. In the winter, Charles river is frozen into ice and boats can't not stop by the shore but you will be able to see incredibly freezing scenario with Cambridge background, yes, it's MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which lies back beyond the river.The easiest way to get there is to take T subway and get off at Charles/MGH station.This station is next to the MIT station divided by Cambridge bridge or we call pepper bridge because of its shape.

Charles river, winter is coming
Charles with Cambridge backgrounds
          In summer this is a great place for hang out with your sweetheart , looks like I'm gonna write about love story though, or even picnic near the river side which we can walk easily from Boston common that I