Monday, August 23, 2010

Boston : Bungker Hill Monument

       So sorry for disapprear for a while but have to much work to do these day. Okay let's travel around Boston city as usual. Today I would like to take you to the Bunker hill and Bunker hill monument, the legendary place of early battle between British and new England people. The Bunker Hill Monument stands 221 feet tall at Breed's Hill, the site of the first major battle of the American Revolution fought on June 17, 1775. Whic they control the high ground facing to water connected to Boston city. When colonial forces chose to fortify Charlestown, they move towared closer by undergound path on Breed's Hill which was lower and closer to the water.

Community College Station

       This place is really worht it to take a walk by taking T subway and stop by Community College Station. When you step out of the station, it's Charlestown that consists of hostorical story and sense of battle field in the past.There are many houses on that hill and Bunker Hill Monument stands remakably out to the eyes.You must walk a little bit far from subway station but you will see the peaceful surrounding despite of cruel history. Go to visit Bunker Hill Monument and climb the