Thursday, July 29, 2010

Boston Watertown apartment

       My residence or you call it apartment located in Watertown which is 6.5 mils away from Boston city hall as shown in Google map. I normally took a bus to  Harvard station and transfered to T subway that brought me to Goverment Center station, my school was there, or Park street station and took a walk a little bit for breathing a fresh air in morning but actually I was always late everyday! The route shown in Google map is express way that I took express bus sometimes but kind of expensive, more than taking usual bus and subway together.

        Let's go to see my apartment that I stayed with my aunt's friends, they were very kind to me for letting me sleep in the big living room because there was  somebody else occupied another bed room already.

You can see it looks like low cost apartment if compared to Thai apartments but who knows it costs more than $320,000, my goshh.

Boston Watertown apartment
       My bed was in the living room connected to the kitchen.It's lucky that they had to go work 10:30 a.m. and came back 11:00 p.m .everyday and separated in private room quickly so I had much free time and space. I was waking up late almost everyday around 8:00 a.m.but  I could find breakfast easily in the kitchen for rush hour and ran fast to bus stop to Harvard station. Read other posts.

The living room
The kitchen
Watertown bus stop

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