Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Christian Science complex

        I just thought about one of beautiful church in Boston. I used to introduceTrinity Church before which located in Copley aquare. Today let's go to walk a little bit further beyond Prudential mall it stands behind with a very gorgeous view and truely Christian architectural scenario.
         The Christian Science complex is the first Church of Christ and Scientist in Boston city or you call it as the name Mother Church founded in 1875 by Mary Baker Eddy which is so called the headquarters of the Christian Science faith.It combines of variety of buildings including the main original Mother Church, the large extension and the most impressive plaza named Prudential mall with large reflecting pool designed by I.M.Pei., 

Christian Church
        What to see in this place is out side view with wonderful reflection of huge buildings around this place especiall in the day time in every season. You will be amazed with different scences covered by Mother Church at the back outstandingly.At night the most impressive thing that still caught in my eyes is reflection of light reflecting from surface of the water in the pool.This is one of a great place in Boston to take a photo and visit.You will be definitely impressed by its wonderfully fascinating scenario and urban landscape.

Mother Church in winter
Additionally, if you got inside the Church at the large extention you will notce the most noticeable organ which one of the largest in the world. Built in 1952, 13,290 pipes and must be kept at a constant temperature to maintain its tuning. Organ concerts are regularly held here.In this Mother Church Extension,its a domed Byzantine style. Its theater-style seating could serve more than 3,000 people.

Surrounded Christian Church

English tip today.

Fewer and Less
If you can count them, use fewer. If you can't count them, use less.
        We have less milk, less flour, fewer grapes and fewer apples in our refrigerator than you have in yours.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Boston : Bungker Hill Monument

       So sorry for disapprear for a while but have to much work to do these day. Okay let's travel around Boston city as usual. Today I would like to take you to the Bunker hill and Bunker hill monument, the legendary place of early battle between British and new England people. The Bunker Hill Monument stands 221 feet tall at Breed's Hill, the site of the first major battle of the American Revolution fought on June 17, 1775. Whic they control the high ground facing to water connected to Boston city. When colonial forces chose to fortify Charlestown, they move towared closer by undergound path on Breed's Hill which was lower and closer to the water.

Community College Station

       This place is really worht it to take a walk by taking T subway and stop by Community College Station. When you step out of the station, it's Charlestown that consists of hostorical story and sense of battle field in the past.There are many houses on that hill and Bunker Hill Monument stands remakably out to the eyes.You must walk a little bit far from subway station but you will see the peaceful surrounding despite of cruel history. Go to visit Bunker Hill Monument and climb the

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lechmere : Great shopping mall in Boston

        Lechmere is the name of T subway green line station and it's a place that very great shopping mall located. This is my favorite department store in Boston because of various merchandises and flexible pricing especially when I really wanted to buy something not like in Prudential mall or at other department stores which mostly sell stuff at high price.I bought camera that show the photo in this blog from this mall as well. Okay , when you think of a place for shopping, I mean with reasonable price and many choices of products, I recommend Lechmere is no.1 shopping mall in Boston. You can reach here easily by taking T subway and get off at Lechmere station, last stop for green line. The building structured  in three floors shopping center and food court at the front of department store so this could be one stop for your lunch during Boston touring day.

Lechmere shopping mall
        I love this mall most because all merchandises here are affordable. If you are teenager, this is a nice place for your money spending.There are many brand cloth stores inside with seasonal discount, I strongly believe that you will get something if you go there.

Monday, August 16, 2010

MIT : Massachusetts Institute of Technology

       MIT or Massachusetts Institute of Technology is private research and technology university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded by William Barton Rogers in 1861 in order to respond the dramatically increasing of industrial demand of the United States with strong emphasis on scientific and technological research.You can reach this destination by taking T subway and get off at Kendall/MIT.There are many  architecturally fansinating buildings in campus which was the first in the United States named MIT's School of Architecture and it also has a history of commisioning progressive buildings.Let's see some interesting building below, you will be impressed by MIT's work.

MIT design

The Stata Center
       The picture above shows stainless steel jet architectural buliding design which is a place of Department of Linguistics and Philosophy.The abstract City Beautiful movement influenced Bosworth's architecture which features the Pantheon-esque Great Dome,

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Boston American cuisine and dinner cooking

       Today I would like to write about food in Boston and dinner that I cooked by myself with my girlfriend by gathering fresh ingredients from Hay market and specific place in Boston like 88 market , China town, organic vegetable from traditional market and from super market.I already brought  you guys to many places in Boston and I only reccomended a really good place for food and street performance like Quincy market.

Organic vegi from farmer.
This time you will get appetite with my suggestions and example photos, it's yummy yummy! I don't know that you like to cook or not but in Boston city, you can find really good source for organic food, fresh meat and vegetable not only in famous restaurant but also in super market and occasional market that there are  farmers which farm outside Boston city bring a good food for you.Other ways to get fresh vegetable is going to China town, you will be amazed by many kinds of materials and dinner ingredients.

Lovely fresh cabbage
      Dont' forget to buy some meat to make some delicious spicy meat plate besides vegetable soup.If you like to know how to cook yummy deep fried pork, email me richking888@gmail.com, I will tell you a secret recipe.